The debut WHUP Begathon on-air fundraiser is underway, and reporter Nick Brzezinski from the News of Orange captured the spirit of the event in an excellent article published just prior to Day 1. Many thanks to Nick for his hard work and diligence in putting the piece together!
The Begathon runs through this Thursday at midnight and includes a week of special programming by all our show hosts, supplemented with fun and off-beat promo ads, non-giveaways and once-in-a-lifetime opportunities!
We hope you’re tuning in, and don’t forget that we rely on our listeners and supporters to keep WHUP moving forward – if you feel inspired, please make a tax-deductible online donation during Begathon week.
Consider throwin’ a little in the bucket. Real radio.. local radio is hard to find. Let’s help the W-H-U-P do their thang and we can all enjoy in the audio splendor.