Tired of being beaten over the head by public media during their fund drives? WHUP will present the antidote to hours of painful broadcast torture during the week of April 15-21 with our first-ever Begathon!
Our skilled show hosts will supplement their typically unique content with special guest appearances, self-deprecating humor and shameless promotion that will entertain without guilt. We bet you never knew that so many songs abut money were in the pantheon of American music! WHUP won’t be selling swag or lottery tickets for trips you’ll never win, just showcasing our growing lineup of live music and locally produced programs.
If our week of Big Fun inspires you to make a contribution to the cause, so much the better. And of course, you can always get a jump on the masses by clicking on our Contribute link! We hope you enjoy, and thanks for your continued support.
Your friends at WHUP
Loved the coal ash “giveaway!”
Thanks, and remember, don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime chance to win!