WHUP is kicking off our spring fund drive on May Day, a global day of unity, togetherness, and rebirth. We invite you to celebrate the week and advance our mission by making a contribution to our community radio station, one of the few truly independent media outlets left standing. Since we went on the air in 2015, that mission – to provide a rich schedule of high-quality, authentic, locally produced programming and amplify the voices of people in the community doing good work – has grown and expanded in scope, and the desire for our programming and services continues to increase. Your donation at whupfm.org/contribute will ensure that we are able to keep pace with the financial demands of our operations through the rest of 2023 and beyond.
WHUP has hired our first employee, a part-time volunteer coordinator, but the station is otherwise managed entirely by volunteers – more than 80 of them! You, our valued listeners, provide the glue that holds us all together when you show your support during our Fund-A-Thon week. One great way to help support WHUP is to become a member of our community radio station for a one-time contribution of $120 or a recurring donation of just $10 a month. The majority of WHUP’s annual income comes from our members, so please consider joining our exclusive team of supporters today.
Throughout the week we’ll be featuring the voices of folks in the community who have been part of our efforts for the past year – our DJs & other volunteers, a sampling of our many in-studio guests, local business owners and musicians from around the Triangle and others who understand the importance of an independent community radio station in a sea of corporate broadcasters. We hope you’ll be inspired to be a part of our extended circle of friends and continue our successes by clicking on the Donate button at Whupfm.org – any amount large or small is greatly appreciated!
The goal for the Fund-A-Thon is to raise $10,000 to cover the costs of updating broadcast equipment and technology as well as spotlighting the many amazing and worthy endeavors that others in the community are spearheading. WHUP is feeling the effects of inflation and supply-chain challenges for electronic equipment, and a donation of any amount small or large will help defray the cost of those and other cost increases – in fact, more than 80 percent of our annual revenue comes from listeners who appreciate what we offer every day, 24/7.
Whether you live in Hillsborough, the Triangle or anywhere in the world, if you listen to WHUP and enjoy what we do, please help us reach our goal and stay alive by making a donation today.
Thanks in advance from all of us at WHUP!
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